**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

We have had this discussion many times over at Racemagnum, and nobody can ever prove that statement when they make it.

I was putting nearly 500 to the tires in a 4x4 Dakota, and making consistent 12 second passes in it with a 390 stroker on nitrous. The same 390 that's going into my Dart in the spring. Miraculously, the block didn't explode and kill everyone in a 5 mile radius. I'm surprised, since those small blocks are "junk". LOL!

It's a Magnum too. Imagine that.

Yeah nobody can prove it here either, at least alot of people have seen this thread now and when they hear someone say 600HP is the limit they will know it is only a "myth" that has been busted!

On another note, how much does your Dakota weigh??