**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

That's one of my friends I've mentioned to you in the past Louis.:-D

The other guy whose dyno sheets and engine I showed you that made like 850-900hp flywheel may chime in, but I think all he cares about at this point is food and taking care of his whizzer...joe's just a youngin. LOL

These are all magnum blocks...that suck.

Yeah that truck haul's some azzz and it weighs alot too!! More weight = more stress on the driveline.

Alot of good information here with several different kinds of combo's.

Magnum Blocks is now also a "Myth that is Busted"!!!

rnaz Yeah, we're just old dummies who like carbs and those crappy Magnum blocks that break when you look at them the wrong way.

That truly is funny now with all the real life experience here!:wack: