Cam design limitations

You're right. A simple exageration on my part on the "all" and "every". At least I accept you're right about
A different opinion obviously gets you riled. I'm sorry about that. I might suggest showing where science backs up your ideas. Because if I see something I don't think is right, I'll speak on it. I would expect anyone who disagrees with me to do the same. Discussion that results only benefits everyone.

No problem, Moper. I agree that the purpose of the EGR is to lower temperatures in the combustion chamber, though I have NO scientific evidence to back that up. However, common sense would seem to indicate that when you introduce a non-combustible (already burned exhaust gasses) into the mix in the combustion chamber, (the "brick in the toilet reservoir" deal,) there's not as much combustible material to create heat; ergo, there's not going to be as much heat. Heat in egregious quantities in the combustion chamber, is bad to create oxides of nitrogen, one of the three main polutants the EPA tries to rein in, so the manufacturers used this ploy to control NOX emissions, starting about 1971 or '72, and still use it, today on a lot of vehicles.

But, you know all that...

Discussion is what this board is all about. If we all agreed on everything, there would be no need for discussion (and, little discussion.)

I learn something every day here, and am thankful for that, because at 72, I still have a LOT to learn...:study: