**Twin Turbo 67 Dart Project**

What happened to going with coil on plug?

Still an option, I have not made my mind up yet. I don't want the coils in sight anywhere so they will need to be hidden. I will cross that bridge when it gets installed in the car. It is too hard to make everything work outside the car when I don't know exactly where to mount everything or how long to make the Spark Plug wires etc.

Regardless on a SBM even with COP or CNP, you need to get the cam signal from somewhere. So you would need to either use a distributor like I am or make something that would fit in the dizzy hole or the Oil Pump Shaft would probably come out and you would loose Oil Pressure. I would probably have an aluminum cover machined to go in place of the Distributor cap on mine, if I decide to go that route.

If you or anyone have any suggestions on how to get a Cam Signal from a SBM without using a Distributor, please let me know. I am more than open for some Ideas.