Can someone help me estimate my HP

Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy, here we go, LOL!

To the thread starter, you have given no useful info to help yourself or us with. As if the replies were not indicative enuff.

Come on back and lets start this from the top!

Heads-Not sure what kind but not aluminum

Come on back with casting numbers and valve sizes.

10-1 comparison,Flat Top positions

Are you sure about this or are you pipe dreaming of a build.

If your pipe dreaming, I suggest desk top dyno sim. to use as a item of learning and discovery. And no matter what, use a dual plane setting for the intake.

Big Mutha Thumpr Cam

There's 3 to choose from, which one?

High rise intake

There's several high rise intakes. Name the maker and style along with the name of the intake if possible

Not sure carb yet but a 4bbr

A 4bbl is properly size to the above (UN) known parts.

Duel cool air induction

I have no idea what that is. You'll have to explain it to us.

3in Flow Masters

There are many kinds of flow masters, which ones are you looking at?

I'm not breaking your balls here but clearly you have no idea at what to ask or what your doing. There are several good books to choose from. How to Hot Rod my Small Block MoPar is a great start. Have at the book first and become enlightened.

We'll be here to help.