Commando heads. Anyone used them?

Please post up you finding as you go down the "Commando" Road!

It was the valve shrouding that hurt low lift flow in a big way. IIRC, the heads were NOT fully ported and flowed 300 cfm or more.

And yet i have heared talk that un shrounding the valve can cause the air speed to go to fast around the ssr, At high lift, in that area, aka turbulance.
And with my experamental head i found it to be so. could have been the :violent1: with the grinder as well :D

IMO, Chrysler hobbles MP via high prices, receiving poor materials, bad media, bad public info regarding there stuff and the thing that blew my mind when I went for a W5 head years back, no intakes to fit it. You had to purchase there non fitting W5 intake and cut it up in order to fit it to the heads!

Now, WTF is that!!!????????

Chrysler / MP need to get out there and constantly be out there hawking, selling and informing people of there stuff. They need the ability to sell it cheaply, competitively at a low price.

Anytime I went to a dealer for a set of heads, they were looking to charge me the equal price of a set of Edelbrock heads for only one of there's bare.
(F%*K OFF!)

AMEN! ! !