Is my thinking unrealistic?
If you don't have to sell it (for financial reasons) then sit it on. Eventually the right buyer will come alone for your price or you may decide in a year or two to finish it. I have a car that I have considered selling it at least 8 times over the 15 years I have been working on it... And now its going to Mopar Al's place to get it back to running and driving and then I am going to finish it....
If you want out of it 100% then you are at a cross roads as to how much of a loss can you stomach to just get it out for your site.
In this economy its tough to unload anything... I shipped out some free parts recently and the guy now wants to send it back to get his shipping money back... The whole hobby is nuts at this point... when those parts come back I'm smashing them with a sledge hammer...
~~Sometimes destroying these cars and parts is more fun than the hassle of buying and selling them~~