memike found a 66 dart
My wish came true!!:cheers:
I will call him tomorow and offer him 500.00 to hold it and pay off sept 25th.
We all know his reserve was 3.500 hundred, how much do you think he had to pay to put it on ebay?.
He has a tractor business and maybe we can do a deal grabber with 750.00
to get the deal dun if he don't think 500.00 will do a deal.
This car will show as is!!:cheers: except for the dead smell inside.
Well all I can do is hope for the best.
Sorry for giving false hope's and dream's to everyone here.
I felt terrable for not thinking this out better before I drug yall in on it.
I have dun this a few time's before to yall and I am sorry.:pale: