Found a 70 Coronet R/T ???

i agree 100%. it not just that the paint sucks...its what it may be hiding. obviously from the looks of the engine bay,its been painted at least 3 times and from the looks of the body work it is most indeed a mud shark. and from the looks of the wiring and other mismatched pieces and parts , who knows how long it will run before it catches fire and burns to the ground. on the other side of things and coming from experience(i myself have had 2 70 bees,3 70 500's and 3 R/T's and half a dozen 70 coronet 440 4 four doors) i know how hard to find the body pieces and parts are and that the 70 coronets are a one year only body design.the only interchange is the drivetrain and suspension (you could physically bolt on 68 and 69 stuff but it would not be correct although i believe the doors maybe the same) given that, and the fact that it maybe a 318/3 speed car it maybe somewhat all my days with the 70's,i have never seen a factory hood like that and it may be desirable.but ,are you going to DRIVE it or buy it for VALUE? that is why we are NIT picking because the questions were asked and input was requested as it was being considered as a purchase and we are giving answers as to what we see and what it may be worth. i myself would not pay more than 1500 for it and i would drive the crap out of it and if i discovered in the mean time that it was in fact rare and worth dumping 40k into it to restore then maybe i would.but who cares how RARE it is any way? you are never going to get back the 80k you sunk into it . cant we all just buy them,build them,and enjoy them, without worrying about how much friggin value they hold? that is why prices have shot through the roof and made it almost impossible for average people to buy mopars.because all these people convince all the folks with deep pockets of how RARE a car is and next the you know you have people scouring the country picking up every 68 charger they see and selling piles of scrap for outrageous prices and driving the market through the roof. JMO

Thanks for the back up.