Anyone tried one of these HEI Distributors?

Oh no, not the dreaded chineseium!

Of course they are chinese. If that was made in USA the price would need another zero.

Actually, I can tell you exactly where they are made:

NingBo XianLong Automobile Fitting Co. Ltd.

They are not bad parts for the price. Mr White probably gets them 200 to a pallet. Call them up and ask how many come back.

If you buy anything in a white box from a chain auto parts store it is most likely Chinese / Taiwan origin. Unless it it cast iron like a brake rotor, then it may be India / Pakistan as well. Electronics? Taiwan. Bearings? Brand new SKF's say "made in mexico"on the box.

Not much is actually made here anymore. And if you do offer a USA product, people will step over it to buy "chineseium" for 10% less.

If you decide to keep a 30 year old mopar distributor and replace the trigger coil & firewall box - you will have chinese parts anyway.

For plug wires with that unit, buy a universal set from Jegs, like a 40200 - those are actually made in USA too.

