reinstalled trans, now problem with shifting linkage

so 2+ monthes ago i pulled the 273 and 904 out of my 70 dart. Since this is the first time i've really pulled an engine, i had not dissconnected everything from the transmission before we started. I did not dissconnect the shifting linkage (column shifted), kickdown cable, and something else that i dont remember.

Anyway, i saw that i needed to disconnect the shifting linkage while we were starting to pull the combo out. I took the bolt out to get the linkage free, and did not really look at the braket that holds it on very well until i just tried to reinstall it. The problem is that the braket that connects some of the linkage to the transmission does not line up where i think it is supposed to connect. I have pictures and i'm sure that those of you who have done this know what your looking at and what i'm trying to say with my lack of correct part labels and poor descriptions.

the first picture is the bracket

second is the linkage next to the transmission

third is the braket slide onto the linkage

unfortunatly i cannot use picture programs very well and would have tried to do some labeling on the pictures if i could. in the third picture, as you look past the round linkage, you can see where it appears that the bolt goes into the transmission, and just below that is the hole in the braket that i think is supposed to line up with the threaded hole in the transmission.

Trying to line them up does not work, so i assume that i have something wrong. Hopefully someone can help me with this?

Thanks, and sorry for the long post, just trying to relay everything.


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