Mac vs Pc

I'm in the market to buy a laptop for the wife for Xmas.I REALLY wanna buy a mac book but never owning or even paying with one has me scared to pull the trigger.I was wondering if you guys and gals could give me pro's and con's on both units.She really doesn't do anything special with her computer now except surf the web,face book,etc. I will use it for pictures and of course FABO. Thanks

your choice really, but if all your going to be doing is email, web and occasional pictures then why spend 1 grand on a mac plus the learning cure of the software? $3-500 will get similar in a pc even not on sale will get you that and it should be close in speed . Linux can be installed at purchase time if you need to feel safer. it's a little steeper learning curve though, lot's of apps and user forums for support to help you with anything you have problems with.
I have a Mac and use it for graphic's 3d stuff and animations and movies or editing of the family pic's that works great fo me.

I use to do Gainesville.Fl college campus and ocala campus repairs on mac's and pc's before I retired. it seemed to me they broke about the same for both, so mechanically it's a tie. lcd's are lcd's no matter who make em and they die on both machines, motherboards/hard drives/cd's, keyboards ect, mac changed to the intel chipset and that opens it to hackers, Do people write virus programs for the mac? not really. it's not a huge base of unit's out there compared to big/small business users and home users using the PC. but it is growing so it might become an issue later on if the majority of users grow.
your choice again plus the mac book looks great.

when I use the Pc it's for everything else, the only reason being is the software is a whole lot cheaper (some of it's even free that rivals commercial stuff) for a Pc. and the new graphic's packages are getting a lot better so I might be able to switch to the pc totally.
for me I can't justify buying all new software (just for my cad cam package it'd be over 20 grand vs 10 grand for the pc that I already have bought) that I need to be able change to the mac.

Virus? well I use several ways to protect myself. but I do make an image of my drive every month. and all my design work goes onto a nas drive that behind a hardware firewall and I make an image of that once a month staggered from the main image,so it gets backed up every 2 weeks or so. I back up both the pc and the mac. but that's just a holdover for when i was working.