What to do with Old Mopar Magazines.....???

I have several old Mopar mags, some going back to the late 1980's all the way to present, Mopar Muscle, Mopar Action, High Performance Mopar, Mopar Collectors Guide, sevaral are complete years, 100's, probably 1000's of them!! What should I do with them? I have boxes of them, taking up several shelves of storage. Should I sell them? Do people collect them? Toss them away? Any input would help, Thanks!! :read::read2::study::read2::study::read:

welll my g/f cuts out all the pages she likes and have good info (horse mags) and then sticks then in a binder with those slip in pages...

so then every good tech artical or build in in one book...

just a thought...

I will take the september 2011 issue!

your car was the only good thing in that mag...

I was pissed they didn't have anything else on MATS....