1969 Dart GT Convertible

Turns out there was a manufacturing defect on the surface of the pressure plate which created a small raised flaw, which ground on the clutch disc, or vice versa. Manufacturer warrantied the part, and all is good, (although still waiting on new pressure plate to be delivered). Which in turn led to major problem #2. In the diagnosis of the noise there was a possibility that the flywheel bolts to crank were a smidge too long hitting the block/rear main cap. While it turns out they were not hitting I did find that there was WAY to much end play in the crank. Spec for a 340 is .002~.007". Mine measured .052". (insert more cursing and alcohol consumption here). Once I get the trans back in I'm going to have to pull the oil pan and pull the thrust bearing and see where I stand. Keep fingers crossed for a new bearing and no crank/block damage. Surprisingly this engine was rebuilt a while ago (stock spec 340) and has seen less than 25,000 miles in my challenger. Never with an ounce of problems. So once again it is up on all 4s in the garage with most of it's guts scattered underneath the car. I guess it just leaves me more time to polish all this stainless trim that i need to put back on.
