Warning !!! KNUXWAKO is a thief..

Wow, sorry to hear, considering the amount of members we have here, no matter how much good will and great members we have, its bound to happen. That is until we out the person. If you think about it there is not a town/city anywhere with a population of 22000 people that is 100% crime free. Now with the amount of great members on here, it doesnt take long to weed the bad ones out. Unfortunately because its the internet, and very rarely meeting a member face to face for the most part the thieves go unpunished. My advice, check their feedback, and see how long they have been members. Maybe also check in their feedback, whom they have either bought/sold to, to see if there are any red flags(only dealing with new members). Phone numbers, complete address' will help to thin them out as well. Sorry to hear, good luck and hopefully you and 66340sedan can recoup some $$. My other thought is that when its appropriate to put the members name out on here, that you also put their real name and address.