Gotta Sell Bruce's Cars.

Does anyone know what all Bruce had done to his cars? I have to sell the 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger and the 1965 Dodge Dart Station Wagon but I don't know what all was done to these cars. I've tried to get a hold of Curtis about the wagon, but have been unable to do so.

There was a lot of work done to these two cars. I have an idea as to what to sell them for but have no clue how to list them and I've never written an ad for a car before.

If you knew Bruce Budbill and maybe what all was done to these two cars, could you please help me? I'm at a loss here.

Thank you so much,

There is a thread on here about the wagon and all the work Waggin did to it. You should read that thread and you will learn something that you should know when finding a home for the wagon.