So I went to see the band Tool last night


Glad you enjoyed the video.
Well, I mispelled BeBopDeluxe. So if you tried to find it on Youtube, maybe you couldn't. Below is a link to Blazing Apostles.
Anyone that likes "Art Rock" should check out what Bill Nelson did with them.
(Tool comes under "Art Rock" I suppose. hum.)

Now, many groups were wildly popular in England, but never made it here.
The orginal Genesis comes to mind as one that only got FM airplay here. (Another "Art Rock" band).
The Move were one of my favorite groups. Everone should hear the album "Split Ends".
The first song BBC 1 played in 1967 was Flowers In The Rain, by The Move.

Roy Wood was responsible for much of their work. He helped form and then left ELO. After leaving the ELO he went solo with "Wizzard" and did some different stuff. (The makeup was a promotional gimmic for "Brontosarous" and sort of grew on him.) He is recognized as a musical genious and one of his song, "See My Baby Jive" went to number two in England. These are on Youtube along with a fairly recent clip of him in concert.