Fel-Pro Head Gaskets = Crap?

66, I know you sell, them, so I can understand the pitch. Just out of curiosity..What are the retail prices on your A and B (with valley pan?) engine kits? Cometics are greatly improved..I guess I just dont understand needing a '07 gasket on an intake or header that hasnt changed in 30-40 years. Especially at the '07/made in USA price. I'd venture to say I'd have an easier time selling a customer on a set of $800 pistons, than a pair of $180 head gaskets on a typical 400hp small block build. The last major step forward was use of the non-retorqing type gaskets and loosing the steel shims. That was big then too. I'm a firm beleiver in clean, and I dont overuse silicone SEALER. (It is not a gasket maker in most spots..simply a filler for misc surface defects on the sealing surface.) As far as the finish..Most automotive machine shops in my area (I hear CT has a bunch..there are at least 20 within a 45 minute drive of me, and the one I use is an hour and fifteen away now) cannot get teh right finish. They are using old equipment, where the feed rate and cutter speed cannot be adjusted enough to get the right finish for cometics. I'm certain that's part of the reason Cometics get a bad internet rap. They make a killer gasket, but the issues are with surface prep at the machine shop level. And as I said, Edelbrocks are close..but marginal at best. At least thats what the $4000 profilometer (diamond stylus deal, not the "paint chip example" versions) says. Maybe the shops around your area are better ;)