Gagster's 71 Swinger

Yeah. I have to say, this was about ten million billion gazillion times easier than doing it the old fashioned way. Everything pre-assembled. Power steering, starter, bellhousing bolts, headers, motor mounts... Everything done out in the open. Just drop the car over the whole mess, slap in the four bolts for the cradle and the four for the trans cross member and presto. Granted I still have to put the torsion bars back in, but that's not exactly hard. Neither is connecting the brake lines and bleeding the brakes. I'll take that 99.99 days out of 100 over trying to do bellhousing bolts in the car.

Edit to add: Look at it this way. I installed an engine, trans, starter, power steering and headers in 3 hours. It only took me one beer and I didn't use a single swear word. My hands didn't even get dirty. :D