regulator question you even understsnd basic electronics? i think not you do not seem to understand the relationship between current and voltage. for example it is not voltage that kills you it is current (amperage) it is not current that makes spark plugs spark spark it is voltage, the higher the voltage the hotter the spark. the voltage regulator SENSES voltage and regulates the CURRENT to the alternator primary windings, altering the output of the alternator. you contnue to use "i dont know why" in your posts concerning the race only regulator. if you dont know maybe you should NOT be advising people to use it. i DO know why it is labled that way. it is CONSTANT OUTPUT. it dose not sense the voltage. it is designed to energize the alternator fields CONSTANTLY to put out current to the system over charging the battery. bottom line is this. dont use the "constant output" regulator on a street driven vehicle it is intended for "drag racing only" it WILL over charge your battery. dont believe me? i dont care. its your car. the problem described above (amp gauge pegging full charge) is a symptom of the battery dying (no reserve) as a result of being overchrged. read this: