fluid type for A-518

thats a myth about type f damagining seals, it even says it is in a mopar magazine, the august of 2000 edeition, i have a stack of mopar magazines thats taller then i am, and i was reading thru some of them and they accually encourage people to run type f in the 727 and it says dont worry about type f doing harm to any seals thats an old wise tale.

So what your saying is you'd rather believe what a journalist (some of which have very little, if any hands on mechanic experience) has to say over a mechanic with many yrs. of experience? Don't take it that I'm saying all magazine articles are bad, because obviously their not. In fact most are good. But I have ran accross a bunch of stuff in magazines I wouldn't do to an enemy's car. Just sayin :icon_smi:

Oh yeah: the saying is "it's an old wives tale", not wise tale. :icon_smi: