Rear Crossmember/Spring Slider/Spring Relocater

I got the pics thanks Mike. Crap!! I didnt even think about guys runnin stock sheet metal. Fst73 I put new sheet metal in my trunk. When I did that I put in flat sheetmetal and built my own fuel sump and moved the tank as far back as I could. That put the sump in the way of my setup. I suppose that would be a flaw a major flaw with this thing. I am going to have to find a car with the stock trunk metal in tact and take some measurements to see if this thing will go into a stock car. Fst73 are you running a stock fuel tank and or stock sheet metal? I feel like a dummy for not thinkin about that:banghead:.

both Stock tank and stock trunk setup, here to help! YOu also said if you had bolted them up under the frame rails it would be easier, maybe that would help for my situation or no?