Feather duster value

it is like this. if it has 300k on it, and yet it still looks good with no rust. i am betting that the car has has alot of patches put in it!. you can bet your bottom dollar on that.
with that kind of mileage, it has been on the roads constant, and even though the frame rails appear to be good, does not mean they are not rotted out from the insuide out. i just bought a rea; pink duster, and did not exspect to have and repalce frame rail in it, but it rotted from the inside. you need to look in the trunk for patches, and get under the car and look at the INNER ROCKERS! they may have put caps over them, but if you look from underneath, they may be non-existant!.
so, you ask for a price range. i say 800.00 to 3000.00 there you go. off your description. a 6 cyl car will be worth 1/2 of a 360/4 speed car.
also, floors can look solid from underneath in these cars. you need to pull up some of the carpet to be sure.
i sold a dart hand 10 to someone on here,a nd i looked at the floors from underneath,a nd they appeared perfect. however, when he pulled the carpet after he bought it, he stated they were gone. a lesson learned!