Feather duster value

Someone above posted they thought 1000 dollars should buy a running, driving, relatively rust free, 4 speed Feather Duster with a reasonably intact interior? Yeah right, good luck with that. That describes mine exactly and I wouldn't take four times that amount.
Fact is, with all A bodies over or pushing 40 years old, they're drying up fast. Anything that is reasonably straight, runs and drives, and has a decent interior, is likely to bring several times that amount, baring one of those "killer deals", and any four speed car is quite likely to bring more.
Being six cylinder powered, the Feather Dusters and Dart Lites are like Rodney Dangerfield, they "don't get no respect" for what they are. In actuality, they are a one year only limited production model with a lot of special one off parts designed to maximize fuel economy, and as rare as their more popular muscle car siblings. Restoring an incomplete one can be a bear because the intake manifold, carburetor, distributor, exhaust pipe, transmission case (four speed) and overdrive gear set, hood, deck lid, bumper mounting bars were special to that model, that year.
Find a driver, even with over 300K on the odometer, and odds are you have found a reliable going back and forth car, built like an anvil and easy to work on. And don't be suprised when you find your unrestored, been around the clock three times, manual transmission version Feather Duster has a noisy transmission, doesn't like high gear under 45 MPH on level ground, but still gets over 30 miles to a gallon on the highway.