"Non-Mopar Vehicles for sale" thread...rant
Im kinda new around here, but I love this site, and the way the members here try to look out for one another, thats why I spent the money to become a Gold Member and give a little back to help keep this place going. With that said, my opinion is that we keep the non mopar ads. As others have said here, alot of us love our mopars, but when it comes to looking for a DD, we will take what we can get the best deal for, regardless of whether it is an a body or not. I'm also certain that there are alot of members here that would rather buy something from a member here than anywhere else. I know I would. I think having that area can be a benefit to members here. The way I see it, if there is something on here that can help a member here, it needs to stay. So Im voting to keep it.