1968 GTS unrestored original

I just gotta throw my 2 cent in here, because all I hear is people talking about how you will be "Upside down" on restoring a car.

Fist of all, almost anyone that restores a car properly will be upside down. Before the muscle car boom, people spent many times what they could get out of a car to restore it, because they were enthusiasts. They found a car that they loved, restored it, and didnt care what it cost. Now, all anyone is worried about is being upside down!

If that thinking keeps up, then there will be no restored cars to buy either, because the only cars that will ever get restored are the rare ones, and most of us cant afford them.

We need to get back to being muscle car enthusiasts, and not financial planners or car-flippers.

Truer words were never spoken.