WTF????need alot of opinions on this one!!!!!!!!!!!
Too many differences lol. Since the numbers matching car has too much stuff to fix- its hard to part a numbers matching car, but also if its going to cost 10 grand to fix then ....
The other- the vin is gone and sounds like it needs alot to fix also. So far going with keep #'s matching car
Put the 360 in "Pinkie". Keep the 340/4 speed and mecanicals and see if you can find a cheap roller that has the same 340 4 speed option or keep it or sell to someone looking for a numbers matching engine for their 70 car.
Just depends on how much money you have. I have seen 340 4 speed cars go for alot of money. I understand your dilemma here- hard choices. So far- put 360 in pinkie and sit one the titled- right vin 340 number matching car for 6 months to ponder. Also may have more people with money after the holidays and tax season. I would love to have a 4 speed trans- hint hint lol