1962 Lancer Wagon, Lancersaurus!

Thanks to everyone for trying to find lug nuts for my Fenton Gyro Mags. I found a gentleman in California, LUG NUT KING, Raul Gonzalez, www.lugnutking.com. 909 376-8011. He had new lug nuts with new washers and the whole set cost me $25 bucks DELIVERED! 10 RH and 10 LH 7/16 20. NEW! And he sent the order to me with the INVOICE! Tell me the last time a business sent you parts and billed you to pay them. That my friend is old school and I appreciate it! I will recommend Lug Nut King to everyone I know!
Now here is the flip side of that. There is a company in washington state, I won't say the company (AKH wheels). I called him and told him I had a Dodge Lancer, 1962 and I needed Lug Nuts. I told him I needed 7/16 LH and RH. He said no problem I will send you a paypal request. So I get a request for $132 Bucks. So I call and he says well these are new and you get stainless washers and shipping to your door and I gave you a discount. So dummy me, I pay figuring I won't find any anywhere and I don't want to recycle my aluminum wheels. So anyway they show up. And guess what? They are 1/2 20 and the stainless washers? They come out of the box RUSTY! Excuse me, stainless don't rust. So I call and "you didn't tell me you needed 7/16!" Dude, you didn't listen. And the rusty washers? Just send them back for a refund. Never a sorry, no excuse for rusty washers.
So now you have learned what I have. LUG NUT KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the front wheel mounted to check the lugs. Sorry for all the other stuff not cleaned, wanted to check the wheel and lugs. Last picture is what a $132 dollars worth of lugs look like! OUCH!!!!!

That guy is local, about 30 miles from me. he does all of the western Washington swap meets. Let's just say he's proud of his stuff.