Not Mine...How is this rare????

Unforntunately- I KNOW the guy. I bought 4 cars off of him last March. 3 71 Scamps and a 70 Swinger- The guy is a nut job. He has a decent looking 71 /6 Scamp on CL for sale for 5500. He seems to think that what he has is worth pre 2008 prices or higher.
We (He and I) made a firm deal on all his cars, I go to pickup the last one (which was the nicest- Sassy grass 318 car that was mostly rust free) I load the car on the trailer and go to give him the last of the $ for the deal- That's another thing- he wanted to have me pay him per car as I picked them up! Weird. Anyway- I hand him the last of the green and he says " I feel that I'm getting screwed" I gave him MORE than he was asking to begin wit hby 200 bucks! He said he wanted another 100. I told him to take a leap. He came out with the title and that's the last (thankfully) that I had to deal with that nut case.