Deleting ads PLEASE!!!!

You just got here last month ... about the same time as the new "Sold" feature was offered to For Sale posters by our admin JoeyChgo. It hasn't exactly taken off yet but the more exposure it gets, I'm sure it will get used more often. With all due respect, compare your "hours and hours" over the last month with those of us who've been around for years and years. It's not time wasted ... it's education, comraderie, helping out the fellow Mopar owner in any way we can, and just enjoying the hobby for all it's worth.

Relax a little, take your time, and get to know the people on the board. Concentrating solely on the classifieds sections provides a lot of info and opportunities for scores, but in my opinion you're missing out on the true essence of FABO. Once you get to know a few of the members and let them get to know you, the parts will come. :-D
Not much for spinning wheels but got to agree on the advise from good people on here. I think ads should expire in 30 days. What do you think about that?