megasquirt EFI

I've heard two reasons for in-tank pump installation. 1. To cool the pump to increase pump life. 2. To quiet the pump as consumers didn't like the rattle of an electric pump. Personally, I give more credence to number two than number one. I'd love to simply call one of the custom tank mfgs and order a custom tank, but I simply can't pull the trigger on an 800.00 tank. :(

Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that I got my computer dirt cheap I don't think I would have even gone the FI route for some time. All the money I saved on the computer I ended spending on the fuel system, lol. I looked into several different FI options and was really heavily considering the FAST EZ-EFI setup. You can get one that's set up for multi-port (basically just a computer and harness, no throttle body or anything), for around $800-900. If you can come up with a throttle body for a reasonable price it puts you in the same ballpark as an MS setup. You have to swap out the stock sensors for GM ones that the computer is preprogrammed for I believe though. If you want their all-in-one throttle body injection kit it's closer to $1500.