FREE Stuff...contest

The time all contestants have waited for (thank you for your patience)...

Here are some teaser stats before I announce our WINNER(s)

Question no. 1

How many bolts hold down a shaker scoop?

The correct answer is : 7

60.9% of you got that answer correct.

Question no. 2

71 Duster window for a 71 Dart.

The correct answer is No.

I did have one answer question if it would fit a Dart sport, but I don't beleive they made a 71 Dart sport, please correct me if I'm wrong.

87% of you got the correct answer...well done.

Question no. 3

Largest motor ever put in an A-body.

I think some people instantly thought of 426 Hemi as maybe the most powerful, but the largest was a 440.

69.6% of you got that answer correct.

Question no.4

Correct fender tag code for a 340 sixpack.

The correct answer we are looking for here as per the example given is: The letter "J"

87% of you got that answer correct...well done here.

Question no. 5

What does the "P" stand for in the name Walter P Chryser.

The answer here is Percey.

Everyone, pat yourself on the back here, as 100% of you got it correct !!!

....ok guys, cue the American Idol music...I'm outta time..on my lunch break. I'll be back with the rest of the answers when I get home tonight with yet more stats and our Grand Prize winner...

...sneaks out before everyone throws rocks at