A Mopar Hater

The world is full of a$$holes. If you try to deal with every one of them you meet in life, you will find yourself wasting most of your time on a$$holes. Sometimes you have to respond to them, most of the time its better to ignore them and know that they are just a$$holes, and just consider the source. JMO, Mike

This is true. Being a young guy, Im learning this now more than ever. I have 4 Mopars. Chevy punks used to bag on me at high school and interstingly enough,the Chevy guys at the local cruises that are in my age bracket target me with their crap comments about my Duster and Cuda. I usually respond by saying Im sorry you have a problem, but my car is my car and yours is yours. :bootysha: I have actually had a guy get in my face one time after I blew him off and stated that cruises have no room for Mopars. Luckily, my father was with me, so I wasn't alone against these three pieces of arrogant *$it!! They backed down when my 50 year old father told them to $#ck off before he calls a cop over. As they walked away, one of the brilliant idiots said and I quote: "Get a real job so you can afford some real muscle cars". Funny, in this moment of extreme retardation, I remembered that Mopars usually require more money to find parts, money i struggle to make. Lol! I like all cars and accept all. Im not out to start battles and will blow off most morons who badmouth, unless they become violent.

As for your lovely mopar hater 7Duster3, let him be just the way it is. If he does it again, try to catch him in the act and let law enforcement know. Technically, he is littering useless crap and somewhat defacing your property. That will shut him up. Hopefully, that fool of mopar intolerance will calm down before that happens. Just my $.02.:-D