The " **** or get off the pot" association thread

To all the chest beaters;

340plot goes and finds the cars, pays for them and hauls them to his place.He then makes a decision as to whether or not they are salvageable. He takes the time to either strip them down to sell the parts, or sell them whole. If you have the disposable income, why don't you make the trip, buy them up from 340plot and haul them to your place. My Demon was a 340/4spd car originally, someone stripped it down,long before I got it and I hope whoever ended up with the doors, decklid, and front clip put them to good use. I think I made one HELL of a deal on my race car, but that is my opinion and the car belongs to me. 340plot has has some seriously smoking deals on parts he has for sale. My thought to all the chest beaters is; GET OVER IT!

Bill S.