The " **** or get off the pot" association thread
ok, if you are buying used parts, they are coming from a car that has been parted out. if you are against people parting out cars and would rather replace every square inch of a desirable,rusted out, twisted up (340etc..) A body car, then where the hell are you going to get parts to replace all the tore up broken pieces, and it came with sport mirrors? and they are missing? where are you going to get them? FROM A CAR THAT HAS BEEN PARTED OUT yes there are many repopped parts but,there is NOT a 340 71 demon or duster (and most all a bodies)IN A BOX. you cannot buy an entire 340 car from any number of vendors,THEREFORE, you have to go OUTSIDE THE BOX to get good used parts.if it were not for people like joe, we would not have specific parts we need to complete our projects. granted ,if you own a 68-70 charger or a 70 E body,you can ALMOST get a car in a box. where are you going to get seats , a 340 , an 8 3/4,or dash clusters, grills, taillights, glass, trim and mouldings for that desirable 71 340, 4 speed, bucket seat ,console, rusted out hulk with no glass missing half the pieces car that you are screaming SAVE ME, dont part me out because i am too rare and my pieces need replacing any way? from another parts car. because, it is very rare that someone will take an entire 100% complete car and rip it apart to sell all the pieces and parts knowing what it would be worth as a whole. and if they were to, you wouldnt know about it anyway because someone would probably take it personal , and well.....who knows...IMO>>you go joe... i have parted out my share of B bodies,and looking back,yes i could have saved SOME of them,but, when i have good people around me and they need parts to help them achieve their goal, am i going to tell them SORRY BUD BUT I CANT HELP YOU BECAUSE SOMEDAY I AM GOING TO RESTORE THAT PILE OF BENT UP RUSTED out POS 70 383 4 speed super bee? hell no, i am going to HOOK them up. anyway, too each their own. the next time you need a part that is not repopped REMEMBER were it came from......for what its worth thats my opinion..