**Almost Died Today, No Joke**

My 17 year old daughter went for a walk to day with one of our dogs. She was gone for longer than normal and our other Dog was looking sad so I said to her you wanna go for a walk..... well of course she does. So I head out on the road letting her sniff around and all that stuff. I call my daughter and she is around the corner so we walk and go meet up with her and our other dog.

Walking back it started to rain a bit, this is right down the street from our house maybe 2 football fields. I had my jacket on and the hood pulled over my head. All of a sudden I hear the mash of someones gas pedal just after we got over the crest of the hill, maybe 200 feet or so. I turn around and this a..hole that lives around the corner is speeding right at us at about 70 MPH, it is a 30MPH speed limit. I see the front of the truck come over the crest about 150' from us so I raise my arms to let him know we are there. He did not see us at all until he was about 25' from us. He swerves sideways almost takes out the neighbors mail box and his front gate......... This is the closest I have ever been to getting hit by a car at a high rate of speed. My daughter was crying and very upset...........

YES, I went home got in my car and went to his house..... Pretty pissed off. This is the neighbor that always flys by my house at about 70 MPH, no joke. His truck is usually parked on the driveway and it was in the garage. Everyone here has 2.5 or 5 acres so the homes are spread apart pretty good. He answers the door and shuts it behind him and says can I help you? I almost just Cold Cocked him, he had obviously been drinking..... I let him have a verbal lashing, I could smell the booze on him. He didn't remember his car going sideways and he said he just moved over and that he did see me. Bullchittttttt, no he did not! I told him if he ever speeds down my street again I am going to throw a Brick thru his windshield and beat his azzzzz to a pulp. I usually don't get that upset but when someone messes with my Family and almost Kills them along with my Dogs, then Denies it....... Ughhhhhh

Lucky I kept some what cool,,,,, Yeah Right..... But did not go to Jail Today.