Best 360 to get?

I Cannot seem to ever want to spend that much at once and stuck with buying what I can a little at a time . It seems like its easier on the pocket that way. And it is easier to hide the expense from the wife.

Yea no doubt. I like screwing them together myself. Thinking about what cam, measuring the parts. Hangin with my machinist. It's all good and the way I like to do things, myself.

My wife doesn't care what I purchase for the car. It's my money, I work, pay all the bills, put food on the table, oil in the house tank...etc... everything.
She on the other hand is not :wack:questioned on a purchases for the house. Outside or inside. A flat of flowers roll up, good. New toilet appears, OK, a "Hunny, kids need...." whatever...

Permission, not sought, not needed.