help with a possible trade...

I have a friend who deals with 68-70 chargers, and he got a 4 speed for an A body in trade, he said he would sell to me for $200 but I just had a baby 3 weeks ago and don't really have the money for buying things for a car I haven't drove in 2 months. but I have an extra console like the one in my car it has the shifter handle console door cigerette ash tray everything, and thinking about seeing if he will trade,

first question what is. what is a console like that worth

second question is what is a 4 speed trans worth, doesn't have bell housing, he said it looks good inside so not sure if it would need to be rebuilt or if I pretty much should do that.

and what all do you need to switch a car from auto to 4 speed and cost...givin you already have the 4 speed

sorry for the rant but I need help

I just paid 1200 dollars for the auto trans 2 years ago its a 727, and what is the re-sale value on one of those if I decided to sell it to fund the project.