small block build ?
eldy's are damned good heads, but compression and cam is going to be your big issue, Do you know exactly how far below deck the pistons are? I could calculate the compression for you if you do. I know Speed pro has a selection of pistons, but most of their available compression heights are the same as stock pistons, I doubt that they are really and truly the pistons that will get you "the closest you can to zero deck without decking the block" Keith black and other aftermarket pieces normally have taller compression heights from what I've looked up.
Also, cam-wise, .575 lift is as big or bigger than anything you're likely to run on the street. so that's a point in the head's favor. The only issue I see is that $1200 is about what the heads cost new... I mean: If you can't talk him down, I'd buy 'em new.