I like fruitcake
I helped my Mom make fruitcake for almost 30 years...got hooked on it ...LOVE IT..never ever saw any coconut in there?? dried fruit and spices MMMM then soaked in wine or brandy for 3 days.....FREEKEN AWESOME!!! miss it in a big way....
y'all who don't like em feel free to ship em my way..... unless ya got deadly allergy's.... turning yer nose up at ANY food just means you got your way as a child a bit too often....US POST WW II babies KNOW you eat what yer given and be grateful to have it... hockey puck wheel CHOCK, y'all were "spoiled" Fruitcake is damn good eatin and takes a boatload of effort to make one right..... better hide those fruitcakes in the fruit cellar....this government keeps hackin at the economy they may just come in mighty handy real soon!!!