gonna start working on the dart

well i have been working on the pass side off and on for a while now... i have it just about where i want but i keep finding damn high spots here and there..tonight i sanded everything down smooth and shoot some primer to see just where the problems are...got it all shoot did a light sanding and damn high spot again.:wack:..i tried to tap it in just a little but when i do it goes right back in:violent1:..what do you guys do in a case like this?????i am about to say f--k it and move on.....the car is not going to be perfect but i do want it to look good...as i look down it from the front and back and the side i dont see the spot, its about the size of a fifty cent piece .....other then that i like the work i have done...sprayed some rattle can after i finished a spot on the other side and let it dry hit it with about 3 coats and some clear and damn it looks good...i will get a pic of it and see how you guys like the color i am/was thinking of painting the car..:toothy7:......i am more ready to get a motor in it and drive it some then anything else......but thought i would do most of the body work while i can without the motor as i painted under the hod as well...not like most you guys that take everything from under the hood..its not that kinda build ..lol well any help or ideas on the high spot will be great...:violent1: