"Rookie-Touring" '69 Dart

Tell me about it Rich.

More work finished yesterday, after an interruption by a planned doctor appointment. I sold the Hemi so I pulled it and began crating it up. Then it was on to finishing up the rear frame rails. What a long process that was; fit, grind, fit, grind, fit, grind, fit, grid, etc. Once I like the fit I braced the crap out of everything and welded the front of the rails solid. Then moved on to the rear, same process, cut, fit, grind, fit, grind, fit, grind... Still have a bit more grinding to do to get the fit so I'm 100% satisfied with it but that will be finished this morning after I finish crating the engine. Then weld them solid and move to the front. Here is a pic of the rear rails after I welded the front half and began fitting the rear half.

more to come today...