Trailer "Flip-Up Side" LIFT....Ideas ??


I just finished welding up a 16 X 7 (8' Ceiling) enclosed trailer with a flip-up side panel, appx. 130" X 48".....steel framed unit, aluminum skin.....

I opted for a flip up to double as a protective awning since I'll be using this in Florida for special events (I had thought about a flip down, stage style....BUT, no go....).

I can lift the door manually with one arm, so it ain't a battleship.....But I'd much rather install some sort of power lifts on each side, maybe rams, not sure...... The 2 sides would need to be synchronized as they lift to be safe.....

I've gone over this in my head a thousand times, but try to find something that will actually work and it fries my brain.......... I haven't been able to come up with a single working unit (rams, hinge type, etc) to match my thoughts or needs.........

Anyone have an idea? I'm thinking of something similar to an assist cylinder (like on trunks & such), but much heavier duty, and POWERED.....12 volt electric, or electric/hydraulic, etc.......

I'll post some pics here in a bit to give you a better idea of what I'm up the VERY LEAST, I'd want a VERY heavy duty cylinder assist on each side to save my BACKbone................