Awesome '65 Valiant/Barracuda hardtop wagon

Looks as if the owner of the copyrights on those photos is a professional photographer. US copyright law is screwed up and backwards compared to most of the rest of the civilised world. Elsewhere, if you hold a copyright, that's it, you hold the copyright. If someone violates it, they're in the wrong, end of story. In the US, if you don't vigorously defend your copyright, legally you're assumed to have abandoned it. So I can't fault him for enforcing his copyright. Nice of him to give the Flickr links so we can all continue to look at the nice car:

The coolest thing about this car, for me, is that it's a one-of-none built out of a one-of-almost-none. A '64 Canadian Valiant wagon ('64 Dart tail treatment, US '64 Valiant dashboard, "VALIANT" nose badge) was the basis.