Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

No, it's because every type of engineering has evolved based on more and more knowledge, better and better tools.

Disagree. Today's drivers are differently bad than yesterday's, is about all. Drunken driving was laughed off, nobody wore seatbelts, and carbon monoxide levels in any kind of dense traffic area were so high that everyone was operating while impaired.

That is not a supportable statement unless you're pointing out the obvious fact that they're still metal boxes on four wheels, usually powered by a gasoline or diesel engine. Other than that, virtually everything in terms of technology and technique has changed, and if you make the comparison from the relevant angle (actual safety performance) then today's cars might as well be Jetsons items -- they are that different and that much better than yesterday's.

No amount of talespinning or handwaving makes yesterday's cars anywhere near as safe as today's, in any kind of crash. They just plain aren't. Not in the real world.

Gotta agree- yesterdays cars and todays cars in most comparisons are an apples-to-kiwis comparison. Not that the old A-bodies are rolling death traps (hey nice '66 Mustang- is that the gas tank top that is serving as your trunk floor? WTH?), they were quite well designed for their era...okay, I am not a fan of some of the electrical system 'ideas' they used, but it is easy to remedy.
If you don't believe me (or Dan), look at the deaths per miles driven figures for whatever year you choose and today's data. It's impartial and it definitely shows remarkable improvements.