My ebay feedback on a autometer guage seller

If you bought the item from a local store, got home, saw it was not correct, would you call them and tell them to refund your money right this moment with your promise to show up and return the item?

I've run my own shop and unless I have the returned item "in hand" the buyer gets nothing. I've also had stuff show up on my shelves that has clearly been used when delivered from the distributor/warehouse in a fresh package. Pull a fresh Dominator carb out of the box that smells like VP C14, not the normal test fluid.... Crap happens.

I don't understand leaving neg feedback for something that you are in no worse position, other than time, than when you started. The seller has offered to square up, pay return postage, where's the harm.
For the record, I provided him with my Phone number so we could talk it over and my first 2 emails were ignored. I definitely let my patience wear thin but I would have done a lot more for my customers on Ebay. I have sold 100's of guitars on Ebay and have certainly had a few unhappy customers. I have always asked them how they wanted me to handle it for them. I have always asked them "What can I do to make it right?" This Seller basically gave me a my way or the highway attitude instead of asking what I wanted. Had he tried just a little bit, I would have loved for him to send me another gauge and sent this one back.
Actually there's more to it than just lost time. Although time is enough IMO. Especially as a Truck driver. My time at home is very limited and precious and I should not have to waste a bunch of it returning used parts sold as new. Plus the disappointment of the used item. That sinking feeling that I just got duped. IMO, more people need to stand up for themselves against stuff like this.

Not a real big deal at all but more a principal thing.