My ebay feedback on a autometer guage seller

I call B. S. You wanted it your way and that is not the seller's, eBay's or PayPal's way. You threw a fit and had to be an *** just like in the **Almost Died Today, No Joke** thread.

By the way I blocked your eBay id on all my eBay accounts so I won't ever have to deal with you.


Buyer left negative feedback & started this FABO feed within an hour of each other on Christmas Day !
You werent looking for opinions just a push bubba !
Cmon dude there is nothing nobody could do today except ***** .. which you did !
Yep you made your point clear on the 1 day of year you shouldnt have deal with assholes ... except a few relatives maybe ?
To everyone else Merry Christmas !
PS .. I will start my bitching Monday !