The lakewood bell install or should I say "NOT".
Ok, with the bracket bolted up with one bolt it's a little high on the level on the motor side. With it in this position it will clear when it swings without trimming the bracket on the bell, but since this z-bar doesn't have the s curve like my original (pictured above) it's got my fork adjuster a little angled.
If I use my original bell bracket which I would have to re-drill a hole for the top one it's level but slightly down hill if you will going towards the motor. Which makes the angle of my adjuster for the fork more out of whack.
Here are some pictures and a video. I'm thinking of just buying another bracket from him, cause looking at his site it looks like I could make one or two of them work by just re-drilling a hole.
If I put it where it belongs as far as the bell bracket it lock up and not even turn.
I'm sure it's just my set up is the problem with the motor so high for my fenderwell headers to clear the frame.