72 duster Build progress

Sorry I don't have any updates for you guys still.

I really really wish I had updates to give on the duster but i don't yet.

finances and day to day life have taken over and I haven't been able to do anything with the duster. So it has been sitting and patiently waiting for the time I am able to start back in on working on it.

now that christmas is over I can focus on catching up on some bills that had to be put on the back burner.....and hopefully I can devote a little time to the duster.

our baby girl should be here by the end of febuary-beginning of march ...so I am going to try to get some stuff done on the duster while I have some extra "free time". I want to basically get as much done on it as I can so all that really needs to be done after our baby is here is basically paint it and some odds and ends because I don't want to have a huge list of work ahead of me when I need to be home doing daddy dutys lol.

The last big things I WANT to buy for the duster are a passenger side front fender (mine has been dented and "repaired" and redented and "repaired" who knows how many times and its going to take more work to make it look right than i would like to invest. and I would really like to get a rear bumper because mine has been tweaked pretty good by the previous owner when they backed into something and dented the tail panel up.

other than that im looking at mostly labor and the costs of some supplies.
so if anyone has either of those things maybe we could work some sort of a deal out?

anyhow...thats where things stand as of now, I keep dreaming of when it will be done and I hope to have it pretty much done and road ready by this summer!.