Unported head quickness?

Are you a hypocrite? You delete my post over the same thing. What does cleaned up mean? Box of tide and a scotchbrite?

Close to it. When they were apart, I used a steel tooth brush, carb & brake cleaner. Lap of the valves and gave it new springs. Click the link below and see the dinosaur thread.


No work on the bowls at all, no work on the guides at all. None, zero, zip, nada! ETC!!!

You stated "Bowl blending" here and in the 10 sec. thread. Blending is part of porting. Or is it you can port a head without blending anything and call it "Not fully ported" when everything was done but the blending.

It is a simple thread idea. IDK what is so hard about it. Correcting the head from a OOTB state is one thing, taking a grinder to the head and "Blending" is another. While a lot of the head remains stock, you did enhance the head, which is not the idea of the thread.

So are you now going to split hairs and ***** that this should be included and the thread direction should change and allow this. Don't push it.